How to get there?

  • What is the location of Japan Fes?

    What is the location of Japan Fes?

    You can enjoy a trip to Japan at Asiat Park.

    The only entrance to the festival is at the Willem Elsschotstraat 19, Vilvoorde. Please follow the signage

  • What are the opening hours?

    What are the opening hours?

    You can come and enjoy everything Japanese on Saturday, April 12 from 10:00 to 19:00 and on Sunday, April 13 from 10:00 to 19:00

  • How to get there?

    How to get there?

    By car, bus, train, bicycle or on foot.


    We facilitate parking at PB Leiner, Zennestraat, Vilvoorde  (approx.  1 km from Japan Fes) Parking tickets cost 5 EUR/car and can be purchased via the website.


    There is unguarded bicycle parking available.

    Public transport

    The train stops at Vilvoorde station.

    Line bus 82 stops at the Vilvoorde Kerkhof stop, at the entrance by the Mechelsesteenweg. Follow the signage to the entrance of Japan Fes.


  • How can I get tickets?

    How can I get tickets?

    You can purchase tickets via the website www.japanfes.be

    Adults: € 16,90
    Teens: € 11,80
    Kids: free entrance

  • Can I leave the festival at any time?

    Can I leave the festival at any time?

    Upon entry, your ticket will be scanned and granted access to the event site with a wristband. 

    You can leave and re-enter the event site on presentation of your wristba

  • How can I pay for food & drinks at the Japan Fes?

    How can I pay for food & drinks at the Japan Fes?

    When you access the event site, you will be given a payment card to charge using a QR code (or at the info point). Refunds of unused tokens on the payment card can be made until May 11 at an administration cost of €1.

  • Can I bring my children?

    Can I bring my children?

    Of course, everyone is welcome to enjoy Japan Fes! We also have provided some kids entertainment.

  • Are pets allowed?

    Are pets allowed?

    We love animals! But for the safety of both the animals and visitors, we kindly ask to leave your dog, cat, rabbit… at home

  • Is it possible to enter with wheelchairs or strollers?

    Is it possible to enter with wheelchairs or strollers?

    Asiat park and the Japan Fes site is accessible for wheelchair users and strollers.

    We have a customized price for individuals with wheelchairs, so please contact info@japanfes.be for further information